updateIce was changed to setConfiguration, mind the incompatibility gap


 Impact on my application

 Standardization status




Using updateIce() developers could change ICE configuration such as STUN and TURN server addresses. This API was limited and didn’t allow for changing other parameters such as media of a session.

As functionality was enhanced, API name was changed to reflect its current purpose.

The new name is setConfiguration().

 Impact on my application

If you are using this method expect a need to change your implementation.

 Standardization status

This is in the most recent Editors’ Draft of the WebRTC Specification.


Until recently, the updateIce() method was the one to use when an application needed to replace the list of STUN and TURN servers.

As an example, updateIce(“iceServers”: [{“urls”:”stun:stun.l.google.com:19302″}].

Gradually this method’s argument has been extended to encompass not only a list of ICE servers, but control over the ICE transport policy, the BUNDLE policy, and target peer identity as well.  To better reflect the broader usage for this method, it has just been renamed to setConfiguration().
Additionally, in the past it wasn’t clear if updateIce would replace the STUN & TURN server addresses or add the new ones to the list. Due to this, implementations varied and caused application compatibility issues.

Specification is now clear that setConfiguration replaces the prior STUN and TURN configuration. Adding addresses to the list requires to explicitly specify the complete list of servers in the setConfiguration API call.