If you are a product manager or a developer working with WebRTC you should be asking yourself:
How do I follow-up on what’s being worked on in WebRTC standard bodies?
How do I know what’s happening on the implementation side of things, mainly browsers and mobile OSs?
How do I know about these changes ahead of time, prepare for them and take advantage of them?
Until now you had 2 options:
- Spend a considerable amount of time to know what work is taking place at the standard bodies (W3C and IETF) and follow the work of the browser and OS vendors to understand what goes into their implementation
- Ignore standards altogether and see what comes up in the new versions of the various browsers
WebRTCStandards.info offers a third option.
We provide periodic updates on WebRTC standards activities and how they impact your application as well as updates about browser and mobile OS work on WebRTC. We offer these updates through posts on this website as well as through monthly free Q&A webinars that cover specific topics and answer general WebRTC questions from the audience.
WebRTCStandards.info is brought to you by Dan Burnett and Amir Zmora.
About us
Dan Burnett
Dan is co-author of the most popular WebRTC book. He is also one of the pioneers of WebRTC standardization work, the creator of the first W3C WebRTC draft, current co-editor of WebRTC and Media Capture and Streams specifications.
More about him can be found on his website StandardsPlay.
Amir Zmora
Amir was for many years a product manager and VP products at Radvision and other companies focusing on VoIP developer tools.
Amir is the founder of SwitchRTC, a WebRTC based SFU.
Amir blogs on TheNewDialTone, which is his personal blog.
Together we analyze the information collected at W3C and IETF meetings and on-going standards discussions as well we implementation specific information, decide what information would be relevant for product managers and developers, and provide this information to our readers through our posts and webinars.
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